
What is WordPress Hook: document_title_parts

The document_title_parts hook in WordPress is used to modify the parts of the document title, such as the title tag and the separator, that are displayed in the head section of the HTML document.

Understanding the Hook: document_title_parts

The document_title_parts hook is located within the wp-includes/general-template.php file in WordPress. It is called within the wp_get_document_title() function, which is responsible for generating the document title for the current page.

Hook Parameters (if applicable): document_title_parts

The document_title_parts hook accepts an array of parts that make up the document title, including title, tagline, and separator. These parts can be modified or replaced using the hook to customize the document title output.

Hook Doesn’t Work: document_title_parts

If the document_title_parts hook doesn’t work as expected, it may be due to conflicts with other plugins or themes that also modify the document title. It is recommended to check for any conflicting code and to ensure that the hook is being called at the appropriate time in the WordPress theme or plugin.

Best Practices & Usage Notes (if applicable): document_title_parts

When using the document_title_parts hook, it is important to consider the impact on SEO and accessibility. Modifying the document title should be done carefully to ensure that it accurately reflects the content of the page and follows best practices for search engine optimization.

document_title_parts Usage Example: document_title_parts

function custom_document_title_parts( $title ) {
$title[‘title’] = ‘Custom Title’;
$title[‘tagline’] = ‘Custom Tagline’;
return $title;
add_filter( ‘document_title_parts’, ‘custom_document_title_parts’ );

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