What is WordPress Hook: pre_move_uploaded_file
The pre_move_uploaded_file hook is a specific WordPress hook that allows developers to modify the file path and name before a file is moved to its final destination during the upload process.
Understanding the Hook: pre_move_uploaded_file
The pre_move_uploaded_file hook is located within the wp-admin/includes/file.php file and is triggered just before the move_uploaded_file() function is called to move an uploaded file to its final destination. This hook provides developers with the opportunity to modify the file path and name before the file is moved.
Hook Parameters (if applicable): pre_move_uploaded_file
The pre_move_uploaded_file hook does not accept any arguments or parameters.
Hook Doesn’t Work: pre_move_uploaded_file
If the pre_move_uploaded_file hook doesn’t work as expected, it may be due to incorrect implementation or conflicts with other hooks or functions. To troubleshoot, developers should double-check the syntax and placement of the hook within their code and ensure that there are no conflicts with other hooks or functions that may be affecting its functionality.
Best Practices & Usage Notes (if applicable): pre_move_uploaded_file
When using the pre_move_uploaded_file hook, developers should be mindful of potential conflicts with other hooks or functions that may also modify the file path and name during the upload process. It is important to test the functionality of the hook thoroughly to ensure that it is working as intended without any unexpected side effects.
pre_move_uploaded_file Usage Example: pre_move_uploaded_file
function custom_file_path($file) {
$new_file_path = ‘/custom/directory/’ . $file[‘name’];
$file[‘name’] = $new_file_path;
return $file;
add_filter(‘pre_move_uploaded_file’, ‘custom_file_path’);