
What is WordPress Hook: tagsperpage

The tagsperpage hook in WordPress is used to modify the number of tags displayed per page on a website. This hook allows developers to customize the tag page output according to their specific requirements.

Understanding the Hook: tagsperpage

The tagsperpage hook is located within the WordPress tag template file, which is used to display tag archives. By using this hook, developers can modify the number of tags displayed per page without directly editing the template file.

Hook Parameters (if applicable): tagsperpage

The tagsperpage hook does not accept any arguments or parameters. It simply allows developers to modify the number of tags displayed per page.

Hook Doesn’t Work: tagsperpage

If the tagsperpage hook doesn’t work as expected, it could be due to conflicts with other plugins or themes that also modify the tag archive template. To troubleshoot, developers should deactivate other plugins and switch to a default theme to see if the issue persists.

Best Practices & Usage Notes (if applicable): tagsperpage

When using the tagsperpage hook, it’s important to consider the impact on user experience. Displaying too many tags per page can overwhelm visitors, while displaying too few may limit the discoverability of content. It’s best to find a balance that works for the specific website and its audience.

tagsperpage Usage Example: tagsperpage

function custom_tags_per_page( $query ) {
if ( $query->is_tag() ) {
$query->set( ‘posts_per_page’, 20 ); // Change the number to the desired amount
add_action( ‘pre_get_posts’, ‘custom_tags_per_page’ );

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