What is WordPress Hook: user_has_cap
The user_has_cap hook in WordPress is used to check whether a user has a specific capability. It is commonly used to control access to certain features or functionality within a WordPress website.
Understanding the Hook: user_has_cap
The user_has_cap hook is located within the user_can function in WordPress. This function is responsible for checking whether a user has a specific capability, and the user_has_cap hook allows developers to modify the result of this check.
Hook Parameters (if applicable): user_has_cap
The user_has_cap hook accepts three parameters: $allcaps, $caps, and $args. The $allcaps parameter is an array of all the capabilities for the user, $caps is the capability being checked, and $args contains additional arguments passed to the user_can function.
Hook Doesn’t Work: user_has_cap
If the user_has_cap hook doesn’t seem to be working as expected, it could be due to incorrect usage of the hook or conflicts with other plugins or themes. It’s important to carefully review the code and ensure that the hook is being used in the correct context.
Best Practices & Usage Notes (if applicable): user_has_cap
When using the user_has_cap hook, it’s important to consider the implications of modifying user capabilities. It’s best practice to only use this hook for specific, well-defined purposes and to thoroughly test any changes to ensure they don’t have unintended consequences.
user_has_cap Usage Example: user_has_cap
function custom_user_has_cap( $allcaps, $caps, $args ) {
// Check for a specific capability and modify the result if necessary
if ( ‘edit_post’ === $caps ) {
$allcaps[‘edit_post’] = true; // Grant the capability
return $allcaps;
add_filter( ‘user_has_cap’, ‘custom_user_has_cap’, 10, 3 );