Learn about the _wp_put_post_revision hook in Wordpress and how it can be used to perform actions when a post revision is saved. Understand its location, parameters, troubleshooting, best practices, and usage examples.
Learn how to use the {$taxonomy}_{$field} hook in WordPress to customize the display of taxonomy fields without modifying the core code. Understand the hook, its parameters, troubleshooting tips, best practices, and a usage example.
Learn how to use the add_{$meta_type}_meta hook in Wordpress to perform custom actions when adding metadata to posts, terms, users, or comments. Understand the hook parameters, troubleshoot common issues, and follow best practices for optimal performance. Plus, get a usage example to see it in action.
Learn about the add_category_form_pre hook in WordPress and how developers can use it to modify the category form before it is displayed. Understand its location, parameters, troubleshooting tips, best practices, and usage examples.
Learn about the add_link hook in WordPress and how it can be used to dynamically add links to a website without manual input. Understand its parameters, troubleshooting, best practices, and usage examples.
Learn about the add_option hook in WordPress and how it allows developers to add new options to the database. Understand its parameters, potential conflicts, best practices, and usage examples for effective implementation.
Learn about the add_site_option hook in WordPress and how it allows developers to add new site options to the database. Understand the parameters, best practices, and troubleshooting tips for using this hook effectively. Plus, get a usage example to see it in action.
Learn about the added_{$meta_type}_meta hook in Wordpress and how it can be used to perform actions or modifications after a metadata value has been added to a specific type of object. Understand the parameters, best practices, and usage examples for this specific hook.
Learn about the admin_menu hook in WordPress and how it can be used to customize the admin dashboard. Understand its parameters, troubleshooting tips, best practices, and see a usage example.
Learn how to use the admin_page_access_denied hook in WordPress to restrict access to specific admin pages based on user roles and conditions. Understand the hook parameters, troubleshooting tips, best practices, and usage examples for effective implementation.
Learn how to use the admin_print_footer_scripts-{$hook_suffix} hook in WordPress to add scripts or styles specifically for the admin area, ensuring they are only loaded when needed. Understand its location, parameters, troubleshooting, best practices, and usage examples.
Learn how to use the admin_user_info_links hook in WordPress to easily customize the user information section in the admin area. Add custom links to the user information page without the need for additional arguments. Plus, get best practices and a usage example for optimal results.