What is WordPress Hook: admin_print_scripts-{$plugin_page}
The admin_print_scripts-{$plugin_page} hook in WordPress is used to add scripts to the admin section of a specific plugin page. This hook allows developers to enqueue scripts that are only necessary for a particular plugin page, rather than loading them on every admin page.
Understanding the Hook: admin_print_scripts-{$plugin_page}
The admin_print_scripts-{$plugin_page} hook is located within the admin-header.php file, which is included in the admin section of WordPress. It is specifically designed to target a plugin page and enqueue scripts that are required for that page only. This ensures that unnecessary scripts are not loaded on other admin pages, improving performance and reducing conflicts with other plugins.
Hook Parameters (if applicable): admin_print_scripts-{$plugin_page}
The admin_print_scripts-{$plugin_page} hook does not accept any parameters. It is simply used to enqueue scripts for a specific plugin page in the WordPress admin section.
Hook Doesn’t Work: admin_print_scripts-{$plugin_page}
If the admin_print_scripts-{$plugin_page} hook doesn’t work as expected, it could be due to a few reasons. Firstly, it’s important to ensure that the correct plugin page is being targeted in the hook. Additionally, there may be a conflict with other scripts or plugins that are affecting the enqueue process. Troubleshooting can involve checking for errors in the code and testing the hook with different scripts.
Best Practices & Usage Notes (if applicable): admin_print_scripts-{$plugin_page}
When using the admin_print_scripts-{$plugin_page} hook, it’s important to only enqueue scripts that are necessary for the specific plugin page. This helps to keep the admin section lightweight and efficient. Additionally, developers should be mindful of potential conflicts with other plugins that may also be enqueueing scripts on the same page.
Usage Example: admin_print_scripts-{$plugin_page}
function custom_admin_scripts() {
global $plugin_page;
if ($plugin_page === ‘my-plugin-page’) {
wp_enqueue_script(‘custom-script’, plugins_url(‘custom-script.js’, __FILE__));
add_action(‘admin_print_scripts-{$plugin_page}’, ‘custom_admin_scripts’);