What is WordPress Hook: bulk_actions-{$screen->id}
The bulk_actions-{$screen->id} hook in WordPress is used to add custom bulk actions to the bulk actions dropdown on the edit.php screen. This hook allows developers to add their own custom bulk actions to the list of available actions for posts, pages, or custom post types.
Understanding the Hook: bulk_actions-{$screen->id}
The bulk_actions-{$screen->id} hook is located within the WP_List_Table class, specifically in the get_bulk_actions() method. This method is responsible for retrieving the list of available bulk actions for the current screen and allows developers to modify or add to this list using the bulk_actions-{$screen->id} hook.
Hook Parameters (if applicable): bulk_actions-{$screen->id}
The bulk_actions-{$screen->id} hook does not accept any parameters.
Hook Doesn’t Work: bulk_actions-{$screen->id}
If the bulk_actions-{$screen->id} hook doesn’t seem to be working, it could be due to a few reasons. First, ensure that the hook is being added after the WP_List_Table class has been initialized. Additionally, check that the screen ID is correct and matches the screen where the bulk actions should be added. If the hook still doesn’t work, try disabling other plugins or themes that may be conflicting with the hook.
Best Practices & Usage Notes (if applicable): bulk_actions-{$screen->id}
When using the bulk_actions-{$screen->id} hook, it’s important to note that the added bulk actions should only apply to the specific screen or post type for which they are intended. Additionally, developers should consider the user experience and ensure that any custom bulk actions added are clear and intuitive for users to understand and use.
Usage Example: bulk_actions-{$screen->id}
function custom_bulk_actions( $actions ) {
$actions[‘mark_featured’] = __( ‘Mark as Featured’, ‘text-domain’ );
return $actions;
add_filter( ‘bulk_actions-edit-post’, ‘custom_bulk_actions’ );