What is WordPress Hook: check_admin_referer
The check_admin_referer hook in WordPress is a security feature that verifies the nonce (number used once) to ensure that the request is coming from an authorized and expected source. It is commonly used to protect against Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) attacks.
Understanding the Hook: check_admin_referer
The check_admin_referer hook is typically located within the admin area of WordPress, where it is used to validate the nonce value before processing a form submission or an AJAX request. It is often found in functions related to form handling, data processing, and security checks.
Hook Parameters (if applicable): check_admin_referer
The check_admin_referer hook accepts two parameters: $action and $query_arg. The $action parameter is a required security token that should be unique to the specific action being performed, while the $query_arg parameter is optional and allows for customizing the query variable used to retrieve the nonce value.
Hook Doesn’t Work: check_admin_referer
If the check_admin_referer hook is not working as expected, it could be due to incorrect usage of the parameters, mismatched nonce values, or conflicts with other security measures. It is important to double-check the action and query_arg values, as well as ensure that the nonce field is properly included in the form or request.
Best Practices & Usage Notes (if applicable): check_admin_referer
When using the check_admin_referer hook, it is essential to generate and validate nonces for each specific action to prevent unauthorized access. Additionally, it is recommended to include the nonce field within forms and AJAX requests to provide an extra layer of security against CSRF attacks.
Usage Example: check_admin_referer
if ( isset( $_POST[‘submit_form’] ) ) {
check_admin_referer( ‘update_settings’, ‘security_nonce’ );
// Process form data and update settings