What is WordPress Hook: comment_moderation_recipients
The comment_moderation_recipients hook in WordPress is used to modify the list of email addresses that receive comment moderation notifications. It allows developers to customize the recipients of these notifications based on specific criteria.
Understanding the Hook: comment_moderation_recipients
The comment_moderation_recipients hook is located within the wp_notify_moderator() function in WordPress. This function is responsible for sending email notifications to site administrators when a comment is held for moderation. By using the comment_moderation_recipients hook, developers can modify the list of recipients before the notification is sent.
Hook Parameters (if applicable): comment_moderation_recipients
The comment_moderation_recipients hook does not accept any parameters. It simply allows developers to modify the list of email addresses that will receive comment moderation notifications.
Hook Doesn’t Work: comment_moderation_recipients
If the comment_moderation_recipients hook doesn’t seem to be working, it could be due to a few reasons. First, ensure that the hook is being implemented correctly in the code. Additionally, check for any conflicts with other plugins or themes that may be affecting the functionality of the hook. It’s also important to verify that the wp_notify_moderator() function is being called in the appropriate context.
Best Practices & Usage Notes (if applicable): comment_moderation_recipients
When using the comment_moderation_recipients hook, it’s important to consider the potential impact on the notification process. Modifying the list of recipients should be done thoughtfully to ensure that important notifications are still being delivered to the appropriate parties. Additionally, developers should be mindful of any performance implications when modifying the recipients list.
Usage Example: comment_moderation_recipients
function custom_comment_moderation_recipients( $email_to, $comment_id ) {
// Modify the list of recipients based on specific criteria
// Example: $email_to = ‘admin@example.com’;
return $email_to;
add_filter( ‘comment_moderation_recipients’, ‘custom_comment_moderation_recipients’, 10, 2 );