– What is WordPress Hook: {$context}_memory_limit
The {$context}_memory_limit hook in WordPress is used to modify the memory limit for a specific context within the WordPress environment. This hook allows developers to adjust the memory limit for specific areas of their website, such as the admin dashboard or frontend pages.
– Understanding the Hook: {$context}_memory_limit
The {$context}_memory_limit hook is located within the wp-includes/default-constants.php file in WordPress. It is used to define the maximum amount of memory that can be allocated to a specific context within the WordPress environment. By default, WordPress sets a memory limit of 40MB, but this can be adjusted using the {$context}_memory_limit hook.
– Hook Parameters (if applicable): {$context}_memory_limit
The {$context}_memory_limit hook does not accept any parameters. It is simply used to define the memory limit for a specific context within WordPress.
– Hook Doesn’t Work: {$context}_memory_limit
If the {$context}_memory_limit hook doesn’t seem to be working, it could be due to a conflict with another plugin or theme that is also attempting to modify the memory limit. In this case, it’s important to check for any conflicting code and ensure that the hook is being implemented correctly. Additionally, it’s important to check the server’s PHP configuration to ensure that the memory limit can be modified.
– Best Practices & Usage Notes (if applicable): {$context}_memory_limit
When using the {$context}_memory_limit hook, it’s important to consider the potential impact on server performance. Modifying the memory limit for a specific context should be done with caution, as allocating too much memory can lead to performance issues. It’s also important to test any changes thoroughly to ensure that they do not have any adverse effects on the website.
– {$context}_memory_limit Usage Example: {$context}_memory_limit
function increase_admin_memory_limit() {
if ( is_admin() ) {
define( ‘WP_MEMORY_LIMIT’, ‘256M’ );
add_action( ‘init’, ‘increase_admin_memory_limit’ );
In this example, the {$context}_memory_limit hook is used to increase the memory limit for the WordPress admin area to 256MB. This ensures that the admin dashboard has enough memory to handle resource-intensive tasks.