
What is WordPress Hook: created_{$taxonomy}

The created_{$taxonomy} hook in WordPress is used to perform actions after a new term in a specific taxonomy has been created. This hook allows developers to execute custom code after a new term is added to a taxonomy, providing a way to modify or extend the default behavior of WordPress.

Understanding the Hook: created_{$taxonomy}

The created_{$taxonomy} hook is located within the wp_insert_term() function, which is responsible for adding a new term to a specific taxonomy in WordPress. This hook is triggered after a new term is successfully added, allowing developers to perform additional actions or modifications.

Hook Parameters (if applicable): created_{$taxonomy}

The created_{$taxonomy} hook accepts two parameters: $term_id and $tt_id. The $term_id parameter represents the ID of the newly created term, while the $tt_id parameter represents the term taxonomy ID. These parameters can be used within the hooked function to access and manipulate the newly created term and its associated taxonomy.

Hook Doesn’t Work: created_{$taxonomy}

If the created_{$taxonomy} hook doesn’t seem to be working as expected, it could be due to incorrect usage or a conflict with other plugins or themes. To troubleshoot this issue, developers should ensure that the hook is being added and executed correctly, and check for any potential conflicts with other code or functionality within the WordPress site.

Best Practices & Usage Notes (if applicable): created_{$taxonomy}

When using the created_{$taxonomy} hook, it’s important to consider the potential impact on performance, as executing custom code after term creation can affect the overall speed and efficiency of the site. Additionally, developers should be mindful of any dependencies or limitations when using this hook, and ensure that any modifications made are in line with best practices for WordPress development.

Usage Example: created_{$taxonomy}

function custom_function_after_term_creation( $term_id, $tt_id ) {
// Perform custom actions after a new term is created
// Example: Update a custom field or send a notification
add_action( ‘created_{$taxonomy}’, ‘custom_function_after_term_creation’, 10, 2 );

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