What is WordPress Hook: default_avatar_select
The default_avatar_select hook in WordPress is used to modify the default avatar selection in the user profile settings. It allows developers to customize the list of default avatars that users can choose from when setting up their profile.
Understanding the Hook: default_avatar_select
The default_avatar_select hook is located within the user-edit.php file in WordPress. It is specifically used in the function that generates the default avatar selection dropdown menu on the user profile page.
Hook Parameters (if applicable): default_avatar_select
The default_avatar_select hook does not accept any arguments or parameters. It simply allows developers to modify the list of default avatars available to users.
Hook Doesn’t Work: default_avatar_select
If the default_avatar_select hook doesn’t work as expected, it may be due to conflicts with other plugins or themes that also modify the default avatar selection. It is recommended to deactivate other customization options and test the hook in isolation to identify any conflicts.
Best Practices & Usage Notes (if applicable): default_avatar_select
When using the default_avatar_select hook, it is important to consider the user experience and ensure that the custom avatars added to the selection list are appropriate for all users. Additionally, it is recommended to test the customization across different user roles to ensure compatibility.
Usage Example: default_avatar_select
function custom_default_avatars( $avatar_defaults ) {
$custom_avatars = array(
‘custom-avatar-1’ => ‘Custom Avatar 1’,
‘custom-avatar-2’ => ‘Custom Avatar 2’,
return array_merge( $avatar_defaults, $custom_avatars );
add_filter( ‘default_avatar_select’, ‘custom_default_avatars’ );