What is WordPress Hook: default_category_post_types
The default_category_post_types hook in WordPress is used to modify the default post types associated with a specific category. This allows developers to customize the post types that are assigned to a category, providing more flexibility and control over the content organization within the WordPress site.
Understanding the Hook: default_category_post_types
The default_category_post_types hook is located within the WordPress core files, specifically in the wp-includes/category.php file. It is called when a category is being registered or updated, allowing developers to modify the default post types associated with that category.
Hook Parameters (if applicable): default_category_post_types
The default_category_post_types hook accepts two parameters: $post_types and $category. The $post_types parameter is an array of post types that are associated with the category, and the $category parameter is the category object being modified.
Hook Doesn’t Work: default_category_post_types
If the default_category_post_types hook doesn’t work as expected, it may be due to incorrect usage or conflicts with other plugins or themes. To troubleshoot, developers should check for any syntax errors in their code and ensure that the hook is being called at the appropriate time in the WordPress process.
Best Practices & Usage Notes (if applicable): default_category_post_types
When using the default_category_post_types hook, it’s important to consider the implications of modifying the default post types associated with a category. Developers should carefully test their code to ensure that it doesn’t disrupt the functionality of the site or cause unexpected behavior. Additionally, it’s recommended to document any changes made using this hook for future reference.
default_category_post_types Usage Example: default_category_post_types
function custom_category_post_types( $post_types, $category ) {
// Add ‘page’ as a post type for the ‘uncategorized’ category
if ( $category->slug === ‘uncategorized’ ) {
$post_types[] = ‘page’;
return $post_types;
add_filter( ‘default_category_post_types’, ‘custom_category_post_types’, 10, 2 );