What is WordPress Hook: default_option_{$option}
The default_option_{$option} hook in WordPress is used to retrieve the default value of a specific option. This hook allows developers to modify the default value of an option before it is returned.
Understanding the Hook: default_option_{$option}
The default_option_{$option} hook is located within the get_option() function in WordPress. When a specific option is requested and does not exist, this hook is triggered to retrieve the default value for that option.
Hook Parameters (if applicable): default_option_{$option}
The default_option_{$option} hook does not accept any parameters. It is used specifically to retrieve the default value of a given option.
Hook Doesn’t Work: default_option_{$option}
If the default_option_{$option} hook does not work as expected, it may be due to the option not having a default value set in the WordPress database. It is important to ensure that the option being requested has a default value defined. Additionally, conflicts with other plugins or themes may also cause the hook to not work properly.
Best Practices & Usage Notes (if applicable): default_option_{$option}
When using the default_option_{$option} hook, it is important to note that it only applies to options that do not exist in the database. If an option has been previously set and saved, this hook will not be triggered. Additionally, it is best practice to only use this hook for specific cases where the default value of an option needs to be modified.
default_option_{$option} Usage Example: default_option_{$option}
function custom_default_option_example( $default, $option ) {
if ( $option === ‘my_custom_option’ ) {
return ‘custom_default_value’;
return $default;
add_filter( ‘default_option_my_custom_option’, ‘custom_default_option_example’, 10, 2 );
In this example, the default_option_{$option} hook is used to modify the default value of the ‘my_custom_option’ option. The custom_default_option_example function checks if the option matches the desired option and returns a custom default value if it does.