What is WordPress Hook: deleted_{$meta_type}meta
The deleted_{$meta_type}meta hook in WordPress is used to perform actions after a specific metadata has been deleted from the database. This hook allows developers to execute custom functions or code when metadata is removed from a post, user, term, or comment.
Understanding the Hook: deleted_{$meta_type}meta
The deleted_{$meta_type}meta hook is located within the delete_metadata() function in the WordPress core. This function is responsible for deleting metadata from the database based on the specified meta type, object ID, and meta key.
Hook Parameters (if applicable): deleted_{$meta_type}meta
The deleted_{$meta_type}meta hook accepts parameters such as $meta_id, $object_id, $meta_key, and $meta_type. These parameters provide information about the deleted metadata, allowing developers to perform actions based on the specific metadata being deleted.
Hook Doesn’t Work: deleted_{$meta_type}meta
If the deleted_{$meta_type}meta hook doesn’t work as expected, it could be due to incorrect usage or conflicts with other hooks or functions. It’s important to ensure that the hook is properly added and that the callback function is correctly defined. Additionally, checking for any errors or conflicts in the code can help troubleshoot issues with the hook.
Best Practices & Usage Notes (if applicable): deleted_{$meta_type}meta
When using the deleted_{$meta_type}meta hook, it’s important to consider the specific meta type and object ID for which the metadata is being deleted. Developers should also be mindful of any dependencies or related data that may be affected by the deletion of metadata. It’s recommended to test the hook in a controlled environment to ensure that it functions as intended.
Usage Example: deleted_{$meta_type}meta
function custom_deleted_meta_action( $meta_id, $object_id, $meta_key, $meta_type ) {
// Perform custom actions after metadata is deleted
// Example: Log the deleted metadata information
error_log( ‘Metadata deleted – Meta ID: ‘ . $meta_id . ‘, Object ID: ‘ . $object_id . ‘, Meta Key: ‘ . $meta_key . ‘, Meta Type: ‘ . $meta_type );
add_action( ‘deleted_post_meta’, ‘custom_deleted_meta_action’, 10, 4 );
In this example, a custom function is added to the deleted_post_meta hook to log information about the deleted metadata. This demonstrates a basic use case of the deleted_{$meta_type}meta hook within WordPress functions.