What is WordPress Hook: do_robots
The do_robots hook in WordPress is used to add directives to the robots.txt file, which is used to control how search engines crawl and index a website.
Understanding the Hook: do_robots
The do_robots hook is located in the function do_robots() within the /wp-includes/functions.php file. It is called when the robots.txt file is being generated.
Hook Parameters (if applicable): do_robots
The do_robots hook does not accept any arguments or parameters.
Hook Doesn’t Work: do_robots
If the do_robots hook doesn’t work, it could be due to a caching issue. Clearing the cache and refreshing the robots.txt file may resolve the problem. Additionally, ensure that the function calling the do_robots hook is properly implemented in the theme or plugin files.
Best Practices & Usage Notes (if applicable): do_robots
When using the do_robots hook, it’s important to note that any directives added to the robots.txt file will apply to all search engines that adhere to the robots exclusion standard. It’s best practice to thoroughly test any changes to the robots.txt file to ensure they have the desired effect on search engine crawling and indexing.
do_robots Usage Example: do_robots
function custom_robots_txt() {
echo “User-agent: * nDisallow: /wp-admin/ nDisallow: /wp-includes/”;
add_action(‘do_robots’, ‘custom_robots_txt’);