What is WordPress Hook: embed_oembed_discover
The embed_oembed_discover hook in WordPress is used to modify the discovery of oEmbed providers. This hook allows developers to customize the process of discovering oEmbed providers when embedding content in WordPress.
Understanding the Hook: embed_oembed_discover
The embed_oembed_discover hook is located within the wp-includes/class-oembed.php file in WordPress. It is called during the discovery process of oEmbed providers, allowing developers to intervene and modify the behavior as needed.
Hook Parameters (if applicable): embed_oembed_discover
The embed_oembed_discover hook does not accept any parameters.
Hook Doesn’t Work: embed_oembed_discover
If the embed_oembed_discover hook doesn’t work as expected, it may be due to conflicts with other plugins or themes that also modify the oEmbed discovery process. To troubleshoot, try disabling other plugins or themes to identify any conflicts. Additionally, ensure that the code implementing the hook is correctly written and located in the appropriate file.
Best Practices & Usage Notes (if applicable): embed_oembed_discover
When using the embed_oembed_discover hook, it’s important to consider the potential impact on performance, as modifying the oEmbed discovery process can affect the loading time of embedded content. It’s recommended to use this hook sparingly and only when necessary to achieve specific customization goals.
Usage Example: embed_oembed_discover
function custom_oembed_discover( $providers ) {
// Modify the $providers array to customize oEmbed discovery
return $providers;
add_filter( ’embed_oembed_discover’, ‘custom_oembed_discover’ );