
What is WordPress Hook: get_post_modified_time

The get_post_modified_time hook is a specific function in WordPress that allows developers to retrieve the modified time of a post. This hook is useful for displaying the last modified date of a post on the front end of a website.

Understanding the Hook: get_post_modified_time

The get_post_modified_time hook is located within the WordPress process that retrieves the modified time of a post. It can be used in themes or plugins to display the modified time of a post in a custom format.

Hook Parameters (if applicable): get_post_modified_time

The get_post_modified_time hook accepts parameters such as the format of the modified time to be displayed. Developers can specify the date and time format using parameters like ‘F j, Y’ for displaying the month, day, and year.

Hook Doesn’t Work: get_post_modified_time

If the get_post_modified_time hook doesn’t work, it could be due to incorrect usage or conflicts with other functions or plugins. Developers should ensure that the hook is being used in the correct context and that there are no conflicts with other code.

Best Practices & Usage Notes (if applicable): get_post_modified_time

When using the get_post_modified_time hook, it’s important to consider the timezone settings of the WordPress site to ensure that the modified time is displayed accurately. Additionally, developers should be aware that the hook only works within the loop when displaying post information.

Usage Example: get_post_modified_time

$post_modified_time = get_post_modified_time( ‘F j, Y’ );
echo ‘Last modified: ‘ . $post_modified_time;
In this example, the get_post_modified_time hook is used to retrieve the modified time of a post and display it in the ‘Month Day, Year’ format on the front end of the website.

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