
What is WordPress Hook: gettext_with_context

The gettext_with_context hook in WordPress is used to retrieve translated strings with context. It allows developers to specify a context when retrieving translated strings, which can be useful for differentiating between multiple translations of the same original string.

Understanding the Hook: gettext_with_context

The gettext_with_context hook is located within the translation process of WordPress. When a developer uses this hook, it allows them to specify a context for the translated string, ensuring that the correct translation is retrieved based on the context provided.

Hook Parameters (if applicable): gettext_with_context

The gettext_with_context hook accepts two parameters: the original string to be translated and the context in which the translation should be retrieved. The original string is the text that needs to be translated, and the context is used to differentiate between different translations of the same string.

Hook Doesn’t Work: gettext_with_context

If the gettext_with_context hook doesn’t work as expected, it could be due to incorrect usage of the context parameter or a lack of available translations for the specified context. It’s important to ensure that the context parameter is being used correctly and that translations for the specified context are available in the translation files.

Best Practices & Usage Notes (if applicable): gettext_with_context

When using the gettext_with_context hook, it’s important to provide a clear and specific context for the translated string to ensure that the correct translation is retrieved. Additionally, developers should ensure that translations for the specified context are available in the translation files to avoid issues with the hook not working as expected.

Usage Example: gettext_with_context

// Retrieve translated string with context
$translated_string = gettext_with_context( ‘Original String’, ‘Context’ );

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