What is WordPress Hook: http_response
The http_response hook in WordPress is used to modify the HTTP response that is sent back to the client. This can be useful for making changes to the response headers or content before it is sent.
Understanding the Hook: http_response
The http_response hook is located in the wp-includes/class-wp.php file and is called just before the response is sent back to the client. This allows developers to make any necessary modifications to the response before it is finalized.
Hook Parameters (if applicable): http_response
The http_response hook does not accept any parameters.
Hook Doesn’t Work: http_response
If the http_response hook doesn’t seem to be working, it could be due to the hook being called after the response has already been sent. It’s important to ensure that any modifications are made before the response is finalized.
Best Practices & Usage Notes (if applicable): http_response
When using the http_response hook, it’s important to keep in mind that any modifications made to the response should be necessary and not interfere with the proper functioning of the website. It’s also important to test any modifications thoroughly to ensure they work as expected.
http_response Usage Example: http_response
function modify_http_response($response, $args, $url) {
// Modify the response here
return $response;
add_filter(‘http_response’, ‘modify_http_response’, 10, 3);