
What is WordPress Hook: load_script_translation_file

The load_script_translation_file hook in WordPress is used to load a translation file for a specific script. This allows developers to localize or translate scripts used in their WordPress website.

Understanding the Hook: load_script_translation_file

The load_script_translation_file hook is located within the wp-includes/script-loader.php file in WordPress. It is called when a script is enqueued using the wp_enqueue_script function and a translation file is available for that script.

Hook Parameters (if applicable): load_script_translation_file

The load_script_translation_file hook accepts two parameters. The first parameter is the handle of the script for which the translation file is being loaded. The second parameter is the URL of the translation file.

Hook Doesn’t Work: load_script_translation_file

If the load_script_translation_file hook doesn’t work as expected, it could be due to the translation file not being properly formatted or located in the correct directory. It is important to ensure that the translation file follows the correct naming conventions and is placed in the appropriate language directory within the wp-content/languages folder.

Best Practices & Usage Notes (if applicable): load_script_translation_file

When using the load_script_translation_file hook, it is important to note that not all scripts may have translation files available. Developers should also be mindful of the performance implications of loading additional translation files for scripts, as it can impact the overall page load time.

load_script_translation_file Usage Example: load_script_translation_file

function load_custom_script_translation_file() {
wp_enqueue_script( ‘custom-script’, ‘path/to/custom-script.js’ );
load_script_translation_file( ‘custom-script’, ‘path/to/custom-script-translation-file.mo’ );
add_action( ‘wp_enqueue_scripts’, ‘load_custom_script_translation_file’ );

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