
What is WordPress Hook: load_script_translations

The load_script_translations hook is a specific hook in WordPress that allows developers to load translations for JavaScript files. This hook is essential for multilingual websites or for adding language support to custom JavaScript functionality.

Understanding the Hook: load_script_translations

The load_script_translations hook is located within the wp-includes/script-loader.php file in WordPress. It is called when enqueuing scripts using the wp_enqueue_script() function and allows developers to load translations for those scripts.

Hook Parameters (if applicable): load_script_translations

The load_script_translations hook accepts two parameters: $handle and $src. The $handle parameter is the unique identifier for the script, and the $src parameter is the URL of the script file. These parameters allow developers to specify which script translations to load and where to load them from.

Hook Doesn’t Work: load_script_translations

If the load_script_translations hook doesn’t work, it may be due to incorrect usage of the hook or a lack of translations for the specified script. Developers should ensure that the $handle and $src parameters are correctly defined and that translations are available for the script in the specified language.

Best Practices & Usage Notes (if applicable): load_script_translations

When using the load_script_translations hook, developers should ensure that translations are available for all scripts that require them. It is also important to consider performance implications, as loading translations for multiple scripts can impact page load times. Additionally, developers should be aware that not all scripts may have translations available, so it is important to test and verify language support for each script.

load_script_translations Usage Example: load_script_translations

function load_custom_script_translations() {
wp_enqueue_script( ‘custom-script’, ‘path/to/custom-script.js’ );
load_script_translations( ‘custom-script’, ‘path/to/custom-script-translations.json’ );
add_action( ‘wp_enqueue_scripts’, ‘load_custom_script_translations’ );
In this example, the load_custom_script_translations function enqueues a custom JavaScript file using wp_enqueue_script() and then loads translations for the script using the load_script_translations hook. This ensures that the custom script has language support for multilingual websites.

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