What is WordPress Hook: manage_{$this->screen->id}_custom_column
The manage_{$this->screen->id}_custom_column hook is a specific WordPress hook that allows developers to modify and customize the columns displayed on the admin screen for a particular post type.
Understanding the Hook: manage_{$this->screen->id}_custom_column
This hook is located within the manage_posts_custom_column and manage_pages_custom_column actions, which are responsible for displaying custom columns on the admin screen for posts and pages. The {$this->screen->id} part of the hook refers to the unique identifier for the current admin screen, allowing developers to target specific screens for customization.
Hook Parameters (if applicable): manage_{$this->screen->id}_custom_column
This hook does not accept any arguments or parameters.
Hook Doesn’t Work: manage_{$this->screen->id}_custom_column
If the manage_{$this->screen->id}_custom_column hook doesn’t seem to be working, it could be due to incorrect targeting of the specific admin screen or a syntax error in the code. Double-check the unique identifier for the admin screen and ensure that the hook is being added in the correct location within the code.
Best Practices & Usage Notes (if applicable): manage_{$this->screen->id}_custom_column
When using the manage_{$this->screen->id}_custom_column hook, it’s important to note that it is specific to the admin screen for posts or pages. Additionally, developers should be mindful of the potential impact on the user interface and ensure that any customizations align with the overall design and functionality of the WordPress admin area.
Usage Example: manage_{$this->screen->id}_custom_column
function custom_column_content($column_name, $post_id) {
if ($column_name == ‘custom_column_name’) {
// Add custom content for the specified column
echo ‘Custom content here’;
add_action(‘manage_{$this->screen->id}_custom_column’, ‘custom_column_content’, 10, 2);