
What is WordPress Hook: network_admin_edit_{$action}

The network_admin_edit_{$action} hook in WordPress is used to perform actions or modify data when a network admin edits a specific item or performs a certain action within the network admin area of a WordPress multisite installation.

Understanding the Hook: network_admin_edit_{$action}

The network_admin_edit_{$action} hook is located within the wp-admin/network/ file in the WordPress core. It is specifically tied to actions taken by network administrators within a multisite network, allowing developers to execute custom code or modify data when these actions occur.

Hook Parameters (if applicable): network_admin_edit_{$action}

The network_admin_edit_{$action} hook does not accept any specific parameters, as it is dynamically generated based on the specific action being performed by the network admin. Developers can use the dynamic nature of this hook to target and modify data related to a wide range of network admin actions.

Hook Doesn’t Work: network_admin_edit_{$action}

If the network_admin_edit_{$action} hook doesn’t seem to be working as expected, it could be due to incorrect naming or timing of the hook implementation. Double-check that the hook is being added at the appropriate time and that the action being targeted is spelled correctly. Additionally, ensure that any custom code or modifications within the hook function are not conflicting with other aspects of the WordPress network admin functionality.

Best Practices & Usage Notes (if applicable): network_admin_edit_{$action}

When using the network_admin_edit_{$action} hook, it’s important to consider the potential impact on the overall network admin functionality. Make sure that any modifications or custom code added to this hook do not disrupt essential network admin actions or introduce security vulnerabilities. It’s also recommended to thoroughly test any code utilizing this hook in a development environment before implementing it on a live multisite network.

Usage Example: network_admin_edit_{$action}

function custom_network_admin_edit_action( $item_id ) {
// Perform custom actions when a network admin edits a specific item
// $item_id can be used to target the specific item being edited
add_action( ‘network_admin_edit_{$action}’, ‘custom_network_admin_edit_action’ );

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