What is WordPress Hook: pre_add_site_option_{$option}
The pre_add_site_option_{$option} hook in WordPress is used to filter and modify the value of a site option before it is added to the database. This hook allows developers to intervene and manipulate the option value before it is stored, providing a way to customize and control the data being saved.
Understanding the Hook: pre_add_site_option_{$option}
The pre_add_site_option_{$option} hook is located within the update_option() function in WordPress. It is triggered before a site option is added to the database, allowing developers to modify the option value based on specific conditions or requirements.
Hook Parameters (if applicable): pre_add_site_option_{$option}
The pre_add_site_option_{$option} hook does not accept any specific parameters, as it is used to filter the option value before it is added to the database.
Hook Doesn’t Work: pre_add_site_option_{$option}
If the pre_add_site_option_{$option} hook doesn’t seem to be working, it could be due to incorrect implementation or conflicts with other plugins or themes. It is recommended to double-check the code where the hook is being used and ensure that it is properly integrated within the update_option() function.
Best Practices & Usage Notes (if applicable): pre_add_site_option_{$option}
When using the pre_add_site_option_{$option} hook, it is important to consider the potential impact on the overall functionality of the site. Modifying option values before they are added to the database should be done with caution, taking into account the specific requirements and implications of the changes.
pre_add_site_option_{$option} Usage Example
function custom_pre_add_site_option( $value, $option ) {
// Modify the option value before it is added to the database
$modified_value = $value . ‘_custom_suffix’;
return $modified_value;
add_filter( ‘pre_add_site_option_{$option}’, ‘custom_pre_add_site_option’, 10, 2 );