What is WordPress Hook: pre_get_users
The pre_get_users hook in WordPress is a powerful tool that allows developers to modify the parameters used to query users before the query is executed. This can be useful for customizing user queries based on specific criteria or requirements.
Understanding the Hook: pre_get_users
The pre_get_users hook is located within the user query process in WordPress. It allows developers to modify the parameters of the user query before it is executed, giving them greater control over the results returned.
Hook Parameters (if applicable): pre_get_users
The pre_get_users hook accepts parameters that allow developers to specify the criteria for modifying the user query. These parameters can include user roles, meta data, and other user-specific attributes.
Hook Doesn’t Work: pre_get_users
If the pre_get_users hook doesn’t work as expected, it may be due to incorrect parameter usage or conflicts with other hooks or functions. It’s important to carefully review the code and ensure that the hook is being used in the appropriate context.
Best Practices & Usage Notes (if applicable): pre_get_users
When using the pre_get_users hook, it’s important to consider the potential impact on performance, especially when modifying complex user queries. Additionally, developers should be mindful of any limitations or restrictions imposed by the hook when customizing user queries.
Usage Example: pre_get_users
function custom_user_query( $query ) {
if ( ! is_admin() && $query->is_main_query() ) {
$query->set( ‘role’, ‘subscriber’ );
add_action( ‘pre_get_users’, ‘custom_user_query’ );
In this example, the pre_get_users hook is used to modify the user query to only return users with the ‘subscriber’ role. This demonstrates a basic use case of the pre_get_users hook within WordPress functions.