What is WordPress Hook: pre_recurse_dirsize
The pre_recurse_dirsize hook is a specific WordPress hook that allows developers to modify the directory size calculation before it is processed.
Understanding the Hook: pre_recurse_dirsize
The pre_recurse_dirsize hook is located within the wp-includes folder in the file functions.php. It is called before the directory size calculation is performed, giving developers the opportunity to modify the process.
Hook Parameters (if applicable): pre_recurse_dirsize
The pre_recurse_dirsize hook does not accept any arguments or parameters.
Hook Doesn’t Work: pre_recurse_dirsize
If the pre_recurse_dirsize hook doesn’t work, it may be due to incorrect placement within the code or conflicts with other hooks or functions. It is recommended to double-check the placement and ensure there are no conflicts with other code.
Best Practices & Usage Notes (if applicable): pre_recurse_dirsize
When using the pre_recurse_dirsize hook, it is important to note that any modifications made to the directory size calculation should be carefully tested to ensure they do not disrupt the functionality of the website. It is also recommended to document any changes made for future reference.
Usage Example: pre_recurse_dirsize
function modify_dirsize_calculation( $size ) {
// Modify the directory size calculation here
return $size;
add_filter( ‘pre_recurse_dirsize’, ‘modify_dirsize_calculation’ );