
What is WordPress Hook: pre_user_description

The pre_user_description hook in WordPress is used to modify the user description before it is updated in the database. This hook allows developers to alter the user description data before it is saved, providing an opportunity to manipulate or validate the input.

Understanding the Hook: pre_user_description

The pre_user_description hook is located within the wp_insert_user function, which is called when a new user is created or an existing user is updated. This hook is triggered just before the user description is updated in the database, allowing developers to intervene in the process.

Hook Parameters (if applicable): pre_user_description

The pre_user_description hook accepts two parameters: $description and $userarr. The $description parameter contains the user’s description data, while the $userarr parameter contains the user’s data in an array format. Developers can modify the $description parameter within the hook to change the user’s description before it is saved.

Hook Doesn’t Work: pre_user_description

If the pre_user_description hook doesn’t seem to be working, it could be due to the hook being overridden by another plugin or theme function. Developers should check for any conflicting code that may be interfering with the hook. Additionally, ensuring that the hook is being called at the appropriate time within the user update process is crucial for its functionality.

Best Practices & Usage Notes (if applicable): pre_user_description

When using the pre_user_description hook, developers should be mindful of the potential security implications of modifying user data. It is important to validate and sanitize any changes made to the user description to prevent security vulnerabilities. Additionally, developers should only use this hook when necessary, as excessive use of hooks can lead to code complexity and maintenance issues.

Usage Example: pre_user_description

function modify_user_description($description, $userarr) {
// Add custom logic to modify the user description
$modified_description = $description . ‘ – Modified’;
return $modified_description;
add_filter(‘pre_user_description’, ‘modify_user_description’, 10, 2);

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