What is WordPress Hook: pre_user_login
The pre_user_login hook in WordPress is used to perform actions or filters before a user’s login name is sanitized and updated in the database. This hook allows developers to modify the user login name before it is saved.
Understanding the Hook: pre_user_login
The pre_user_login hook is located in the wp_insert_user() function, which is called when a new user is added to the WordPress database. This hook is triggered just before the user login name is sanitized and saved.
Hook Parameters (if applicable): pre_user_login
The pre_user_login hook accepts a single parameter, $user_login, which is the user’s login name. Developers can modify this parameter within the hook to change the user’s login name before it is saved to the database.
Hook Doesn’t Work: pre_user_login
If the pre_user_login hook doesn’t work as expected, it may be due to incorrect usage or conflicts with other plugins or themes. Developers should ensure that the hook is being added and executed correctly in their code. Additionally, checking for any conflicting code that may be modifying the user login name after the pre_user_login hook is triggered is recommended.
Best Practices & Usage Notes (if applicable): pre_user_login
When using the pre_user_login hook, developers should be cautious about making significant changes to the user login name, as it may cause login issues for the user. It is best to use this hook for minor modifications or validations of the user login name.
pre_user_login Usage Example: pre_user_login
function modify_user_login($user_login) {
// Add custom logic to modify the user login name
return $user_login;
add_filter(‘pre_user_login’, ‘modify_user_login’);