What is WordPress Hook: Sanitize Email
The sanitize_email hook in WordPress is used to sanitize and validate an email address. It is commonly used to ensure that the email input is safe and properly formatted before it is saved or displayed.
Understanding the Hook: Sanitize Email
The sanitize_email hook is located within the WordPress process where user input is being processed, such as when a user submits a form with an email field. It allows developers to modify or validate the email address before it is used in the application.
Hook Parameters (if applicable): Sanitize Email
The sanitize_email hook does not accept any parameters. It simply passes the email address as a single argument for developers to modify or validate.
Hook Doesn’t Work: Sanitize Email
If the sanitize_email hook doesn’t work as expected, it could be due to conflicting code that overrides the sanitization process. It is recommended to check for any other functions or plugins that may be interfering with the sanitization process and to disable them temporarily for testing.
Best Practices & Usage Notes (if applicable): Sanitize Email
When using the sanitize_email hook, it is important to keep in mind that it is not a foolproof method for validating email addresses. It is best practice to use additional server-side validation to ensure the email address is valid. Additionally, it is recommended to provide clear error messages to users if the email address fails validation.
Sanitize Email Usage Example: Sanitize Email
function custom_sanitize_email( $email ) {
// Custom email validation and sanitization logic
return $email;
add_filter( ‘sanitize_email’, ‘custom_sanitize_email’ );