What is WordPress Hook: script_loader_tag
The script_loader_tag hook in WordPress allows developers to modify or add attributes to the script tags that are generated when enqueuing JavaScript files.
Understanding the Hook: script_loader_tag
The script_loader_tag hook is located within the wp-includes/script-loader.php file and is called when WordPress enqueues a script. This hook provides a way to modify the attributes of the script tag before it is output to the page.
Hook Parameters (if applicable): script_loader_tag
The script_loader_tag hook accepts two parameters: $tag (the generated script tag) and $handle (the script’s registered handle). Developers can use these parameters to modify the attributes of the script tag, such as adding a crossorigin attribute for better security.
Hook Doesn’t Work: script_loader_tag
If the script_loader_tag hook doesn’t seem to be working, it could be due to a few reasons. One common issue is that the hook is being added too late, after the scripts have already been output. To troubleshoot, ensure that the hook is being added early enough in the WordPress loading process, such as in the functions.php file of the theme.
Best Practices & Usage Notes (if applicable): script_loader_tag
When using the script_loader_tag hook, it’s important to be mindful of potential conflicts with other plugins or themes that may also be modifying script tags. Additionally, developers should be cautious when adding or modifying attributes, as this can impact the functionality and performance of the scripts being loaded.
script_loader_tag Usage Example: script_loader_tag
function add_crossorigin_attribute($tag, $handle) {
if (‘my-script’ === $handle) {
$tag = str_replace(‘ src’, ‘ crossorigin=”anonymous” src’, $tag);
return $tag;
add_filter(‘script_loader_tag’, ‘add_crossorigin_attribute’, 10, 2);
In this example, the script_loader_tag hook is used to add a crossorigin attribute to a specific script tag, enhancing the security of the loaded script.