What is WordPress Hook: set_object_terms
The set_object_terms hook in WordPress is used to set the terms for a specific taxonomy associated with a post. This hook allows developers to modify the terms before they are actually set to the post.
Understanding the Hook: set_object_terms
The set_object_terms hook is located within the wp_set_object_terms() function, which is responsible for setting the terms for a specific taxonomy associated with a post. This hook is called just before the terms are actually set to the post.
Hook Parameters (if applicable): set_object_terms
The set_object_terms hook accepts three parameters: $object_id, $terms, and $tt_ids. The $object_id parameter is the ID of the object to which the terms will be set. The $terms parameter is an array of terms to set for the object. The $tt_ids parameter is an array of term taxonomy IDs.
Hook Doesn’t Work: set_object_terms
If the set_object_terms hook doesn’t work as expected, it could be due to incorrect usage of the hook or conflicts with other hooks or functions. It’s important to ensure that the hook is being used correctly and that there are no conflicts with other code.
Best Practices & Usage Notes (if applicable): set_object_terms
When using the set_object_terms hook, it’s important to keep in mind that any modifications made to the terms within this hook will affect the terms that are ultimately set to the post. It’s also important to avoid infinite loops when using this hook, as modifying the terms within the hook could potentially trigger the hook again.
set_object_terms Usage Example: set_object_terms
function custom_set_object_terms( $object_id, $terms, $tt_ids, $taxonomy ) {
// Modify the terms before they are set to the post
$modified_terms = array( ‘new_term’ );
return $modified_terms;
add_filter( ‘set_object_terms’, ‘custom_set_object_terms’, 10, 4 );