
What is WordPress Hook: site_health_test_rest_capability_{$check}

The site_health_test_rest_capability_{$check} hook is a specific hook in WordPress that is used to check the capability of the site’s health test for a particular check.

Understanding the Hook: site_health_test_rest_capability_{$check}

The site_health_test_rest_capability_{$check} hook is located within the site health test process in WordPress. It is used to determine the capability of a specific health test check and is essential for ensuring the overall health and functionality of the site.

Hook Parameters (if applicable): site_health_test_rest_capability_{$check}

The site_health_test_rest_capability_{$check} hook accepts the {$check} parameter, which specifies the specific health test check being evaluated. This parameter allows for dynamic capability checks based on the individual health test being performed.

Hook Doesn’t Work: site_health_test_rest_capability_{$check}

If the site_health_test_rest_capability_{$check} hook is not working as expected, it may be due to incorrect implementation or conflicts with other plugins or themes. It is recommended to review the code for any errors and to deactivate other plugins or themes to identify any conflicts.

Best Practices & Usage Notes (if applicable): site_health_test_rest_capability_{$check}

When using the site_health_test_rest_capability_{$check} hook, it is important to consider the specific capabilities required for each health test check and to ensure that the appropriate permissions are in place. Additionally, it is recommended to test the functionality of the hook after any updates or changes to the site.

site_health_test_rest_capability_{$check} Usage Example

function custom_site_health_test_rest_capability_check( $result, $test, $args ) {
// Custom capability check for specific health test
if ( ‘example_check’ === $test ) {
// Perform custom capability check
if ( current_user_can( ‘manage_options’ ) ) {
$result->status = ‘good’;
} else {
$result->status = ‘critical’;
$result->label = __( ‘Insufficient permissions’, ‘text-domain’ );
return $result;
add_filter( ‘site_health_test_rest_capability_example_check’, ‘custom_site_health_test_rest_capability_check’, 10, 3 );

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