
What is WordPress Hook: spammed_comment

The spammed_comment hook in WordPress is used to perform actions when a comment is marked as spam within the WordPress admin interface. This hook allows developers to execute custom code when a comment is identified as spam, providing an opportunity to perform additional actions or modifications.

Understanding the Hook: spammed_comment

The spammed_comment hook is located within the wp-admin/includes/comment.php file in WordPress. It is triggered when a comment is marked as spam by an administrator, allowing developers to tie into this action and execute custom functionality.

Hook Parameters (if applicable): spammed_comment

The spammed_comment hook does not accept any parameters or arguments. It is a simple action hook that is triggered when a comment is marked as spam.

Hook Doesn’t Work: spammed_comment

If the spammed_comment hook doesn’t work as expected, it may be due to conflicts with other plugins or themes that are also modifying comment-related functionality. It is recommended to deactivate other plugins and switch to a default theme to troubleshoot any potential conflicts. Additionally, ensuring that the code tied to the spammed_comment hook is properly written and does not contain any syntax errors is crucial for its proper functioning.

Best Practices & Usage Notes (if applicable): spammed_comment

When using the spammed_comment hook, it is important to consider the potential performance impact of any additional actions or modifications that are tied to this hook. Performing lightweight and efficient operations within the hook is recommended to avoid slowing down the comment moderation process in WordPress.

spammed_comment Usage Example: spammed_comment

function custom_spam_comment_action( $comment_id ) {
// Perform custom actions when a comment is marked as spam
// Example: Log the comment ID and timestamp to a custom database table
add_action( ‘spammed_comment’, ‘custom_spam_comment_action’ );

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