What is WordPress Hook: taxonomy_feed_link
The taxonomy_feed_link hook in WordPress is used to modify the feed link for a specific taxonomy. This hook allows developers to customize the feed URL for a taxonomy archive page.
Understanding the Hook: taxonomy_feed_link
The taxonomy_feed_link hook is located within the get_term_feed_link function in the WordPress core. This function is responsible for generating the feed link for a specific taxonomy term.
Hook Parameters (if applicable): taxonomy_feed_link
The taxonomy_feed_link hook accepts three parameters: $feed_link, $feed, and $term. The $feed_link parameter is the default feed link for the taxonomy term. The $feed parameter is the type of feed being requested, such as ‘rss’ or ‘atom’. The $term parameter is the term object for which the feed link is being generated.
Hook Doesn’t Work: taxonomy_feed_link
If the taxonomy_feed_link hook doesn’t seem to be working, it could be due to incorrect usage of the hook or conflicts with other functions or plugins. It’s important to double-check the parameters being used and ensure that the hook is being added at the appropriate time in the WordPress lifecycle.
Best Practices & Usage Notes (if applicable): taxonomy_feed_link
When using the taxonomy_feed_link hook, it’s important to consider the impact on performance, as modifying feed links can add additional processing time. Additionally, it’s recommended to test any customizations thoroughly to ensure they work as expected across different feed types and taxonomy terms.
taxonomy_feed_link Usage Example: taxonomy_feed_link
function custom_taxonomy_feed_link( $feed_link, $feed, $term ) {
// Modify the feed link for a specific taxonomy term
$custom_feed_link = $feed_link . ‘?custom_param=true’;
return $custom_feed_link;
add_filter( ‘taxonomy_feed_link’, ‘custom_taxonomy_feed_link’, 10, 3 );