What is WordPress Hook: themes_api
The themes_api hook in WordPress is used to modify or extend the functionality of the theme update information retrieval process. It allows developers to customize the theme update API request and response.
Understanding the Hook: themes_api
The themes_api hook is located within the wp-admin/includes/theme.php file in WordPress. It is specifically used in the get_theme_data() function to fetch theme update information from the WordPress API.
Hook Parameters (if applicable): themes_api
The themes_api hook accepts parameters such as $action, $args, and $theme_info. These parameters allow developers to customize the API request and modify the response based on specific criteria.
Hook Doesn’t Work: themes_api
If the themes_api hook doesn’t work as expected, it could be due to incorrect usage of parameters or conflicts with other plugins or themes. It is recommended to double-check the parameters and ensure that the hook is being used in the appropriate context within the theme update process.
Best Practices & Usage Notes (if applicable): themes_api
When using the themes_api hook, it is important to consider the limitations of the WordPress API and the impact of any modifications on the theme update process. It is recommended to thoroughly test any customizations and ensure compatibility with other themes and plugins.
Usage Example: themes_api
function custom_themes_api_request( $res, $action, $args ) {
// Custom logic to modify the theme update API request
return $res;
add_filter( ‘themes_api’, ‘custom_themes_api_request’, 10, 3 );