What is WordPress Hook: themes_update_check_locales
The themes_update_check_locales hook is a specific hook in WordPress that allows developers to modify the locales used when checking for theme updates.
Understanding the Hook: themes_update_check_locales
The themes_update_check_locales hook is located within the theme update checking process in WordPress. It provides developers with the ability to customize the locales used for checking theme updates, allowing for more flexibility and control over the update process.
Hook Parameters (if applicable): themes_update_check_locales
The themes_update_check_locales hook accepts a single parameter, which is an array of locales to be used for checking theme updates. Developers can modify this array to include or exclude specific locales based on their requirements.
Hook Doesn’t Work: themes_update_check_locales
If the themes_update_check_locales hook doesn’t work as expected, it could be due to incorrect usage or conflicts with other hooks or functions. Developers should ensure that the hook is being used in the appropriate context and that any modifications to the locales array are done correctly.
Best Practices & Usage Notes (if applicable): themes_update_check_locales
When using the themes_update_check_locales hook, developers should be mindful of the impact of modifying the locales array on the theme update process. It’s important to test any changes thoroughly to ensure that they do not disrupt the update functionality for users.
Usage Example: themes_update_check_locales
function custom_update_check_locales( $locales ) {
// Add custom locales to the array
$locales[] = ‘custom_locale’;
return $locales;
add_filter( ‘themes_update_check_locales’, ‘custom_update_check_locales’ );
In this example, the themes_update_check_locales hook is used to add a custom locale to the array of locales used for checking theme updates. This allows developers to include their own custom locales in the update process.