What is WordPress Hook: upgrader_package_options
The upgrader_package_options hook is a specific hook in WordPress that allows developers to modify the options used when creating a package for updating or installing a theme or plugin.
Understanding the Hook: upgrader_package_options
This hook is located within the WP_Upgrader class and is specifically used in the package options method. It provides developers with the ability to modify the options for creating a package when updating or installing a theme or plugin.
Hook Parameters (if applicable): upgrader_package_options
The upgrader_package_options hook accepts an array of options as its parameter. These options include the destination, remote_url, and other package-specific settings that can be modified using this hook.
Hook Doesn’t Work: upgrader_package_options
If the upgrader_package_options hook doesn’t work as expected, it could be due to incorrect usage or conflicts with other hooks or functions. It’s important to double-check the syntax and ensure that the hook is being applied in the correct context within the WordPress update process.
Best Practices & Usage Notes (if applicable): upgrader_package_options
When using the upgrader_package_options hook, it’s important to consider the potential impact on the update process. Modifying the package options should be done carefully to avoid unintended consequences, such as breaking the update functionality for themes or plugins.
Usage Example: upgrader_package_options
function custom_upgrader_package_options( $options ) {
// Modify the package options here
$options[‘destination’] = ‘/custom/path/’;
return $options;
add_filter( ‘upgrader_package_options’, ‘custom_upgrader_package_options’ );
In this example, the upgrader_package_options hook is used to modify the destination path for the package when updating or installing a theme or plugin.