
What is WordPress Hook: user_request_confirmed_email_headers

The user_request_confirmed_email_headers hook in WordPress is used to modify the email headers for confirmed user requests. It allows developers to customize the email headers sent to users when their request is confirmed.

Understanding the Hook: user_request_confirmed_email_headers

The user_request_confirmed_email_headers hook is located within the process of confirming user requests in WordPress. It is triggered when a user request is confirmed, allowing developers to modify the email headers before the email is sent to the user.

Hook Parameters (if applicable): user_request_confirmed_email_headers

The user_request_confirmed_email_headers hook accepts parameters such as $email_headers and $user_email. The $email_headers parameter allows developers to modify the email headers, while the $user_email parameter contains the email address of the user.

Hook Doesn’t Work: user_request_confirmed_email_headers

If the user_request_confirmed_email_headers hook doesn’t work, it may be due to incorrect usage or conflicts with other hooks or functions. To troubleshoot, developers should check for any syntax errors in their code and ensure that the hook is being called at the correct time in the process.

Best Practices & Usage Notes (if applicable): user_request_confirmed_email_headers

When using the user_request_confirmed_email_headers hook, it’s important to note that modifying email headers should be done carefully to avoid any issues with email deliverability. Developers should also consider the potential impact on user experience when customizing email headers.

user_request_confirmed_email_headers Usage Example

function custom_user_request_confirmed_email_headers( $email_headers, $user_email ) {
// Modify email headers
$email_headers[] = ‘From: Custom Sender ‘;
return $email_headers;
add_filter( ‘user_request_confirmed_email_headers’, ‘custom_user_request_confirmed_email_headers’, 10, 2 );

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