
– What is WordPress Hook: views_{$this->screen->id}
The views_{$this->screen->id} hook in WordPress is used to modify the views displayed on a specific screen within the WordPress admin dashboard. This hook allows developers to customize the views and add additional functionality to the screen.

– Understanding the Hook: views_{$this->screen->id}
The views_{$this->screen->id} hook is located within the WP_List_Table class, which is responsible for rendering the list table views in the WordPress admin dashboard. This hook is specific to the current screen ID, allowing developers to target and modify the views for a particular screen.

– Hook Parameters (if applicable): views_{$this->screen->id}
The views_{$this->screen->id} hook does not accept any parameters by default. However, developers can access the current screen ID and use it to customize the views based on specific conditions or criteria.

– Hook Doesn’t Work: views_{$this->screen->id}
If the views_{$this->screen->id} hook doesn’t work as expected, it could be due to incorrect usage or targeting of the hook. Developers should ensure that the hook is being added within the appropriate context and that the screen ID is being correctly identified.

– Best Practices & Usage Notes (if applicable): views_{$this->screen->id}
When using the views_{$this->screen->id} hook, developers should consider the specific requirements of the screen and the user interface. It’s important to maintain consistency with the existing views and ensure that any modifications enhance the user experience.

– Usage Example: views_{$this->screen->id}
function custom_admin_views() {
global $wp_list_table;

if ( $wp_list_table->screen->id === ‘edit-post’ ) {
echo ‘

add_action( ‘views_edit-post’, ‘custom_admin_views’ );
In this example, the views_{$this->screen->id} hook is used to add a custom view option to the post list table in the WordPress admin dashboard. The function checks if the current screen ID is ‘edit-post’ and then adds a new filter option to the views section.

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