What is WordPress Hook: wp_delete_nav_menu
The wp_delete_nav_menu hook is a specific action hook in WordPress that is triggered when a navigation menu is deleted from the admin panel. This hook allows developers to perform additional actions or tasks when a navigation menu is deleted.
Understanding the Hook: wp_delete_nav_menu
The wp_delete_nav_menu hook is located within the wp_delete_nav_menu() function in WordPress. This function is responsible for deleting a navigation menu from the database. The hook is triggered after the menu has been successfully deleted.
Hook Parameters (if applicable): wp_delete_nav_menu
The wp_delete_nav_menu hook does not accept any arguments or parameters. It is a simple action hook that is triggered when a navigation menu is deleted.
Hook Doesn’t Work: wp_delete_nav_menu
If the wp_delete_nav_menu hook doesn’t seem to be working, it could be due to a few reasons. First, ensure that the hook is being added and implemented correctly in the theme or plugin files. Additionally, check for any conflicts with other hooks or functions that may be interfering with the wp_delete_nav_menu hook.
Best Practices & Usage Notes (if applicable): wp_delete_nav_menu
When using the wp_delete_nav_menu hook, it’s important to note that any actions or tasks added to this hook should be related to the deletion of navigation menus. It’s best practice to keep the additional actions within this hook relevant to the context of menu deletion to maintain code organization and clarity.
Usage Example: wp_delete_nav_menu
function custom_nav_menu_deleted_message() {
echo “Navigation menu has been successfully deleted!”;
add_action( ‘wp_delete_nav_menu’, ‘custom_nav_menu_deleted_message’ );
In this example, a custom message is displayed when a navigation menu is deleted using the wp_delete_nav_menu hook.