What is WordPress Hook: wp_list_users_args
The wp_list_users_args hook is a specific hook in WordPress that allows developers to modify the arguments used in the wp_list_users function. This hook provides a way to customize the output of the wp_list_users function by altering the arguments passed to it.
Understanding the Hook: wp_list_users_args
The wp_list_users_args hook is located within the wp_list_users function, which is responsible for generating a list of users based on the provided arguments. This hook allows developers to modify the default arguments used in the wp_list_users function, such as the role, order, orderby, and other parameters.
Hook Parameters (if applicable): wp_list_users_args
The wp_list_users_args hook accepts an array of arguments that can be modified by developers. These arguments include ‘blog_id’, ‘role’, ‘meta_key’, ‘meta_value’, ‘meta_compare’, ‘include’, ‘exclude’, ‘number’, ‘offset’, ‘orderby’, ‘order’, and more. Developers can modify these parameters to customize the output of the wp_list_users function.
Hook Doesn’t Work: wp_list_users_args
If the wp_list_users_args hook doesn’t work as expected, it may be due to incorrect usage or conflicts with other plugins or themes. Developers should ensure that the hook is being used correctly and that there are no conflicts with other code. Additionally, checking for any syntax errors or typos in the code is recommended.
Best Practices & Usage Notes (if applicable): wp_list_users_args
When using the wp_list_users_args hook, developers should be mindful of the impact of their modifications on the overall functionality of the wp_list_users function. It’s important to test any changes thoroughly and consider the potential implications on user listing and display. Additionally, developers should be aware of any limitations or special considerations when modifying the wp_list_users_args hook.
Usage Example: wp_list_users_args
function custom_user_list_args( $args ) {
$args[‘orderby’] = ‘user_registered’;
$args[‘order’] = ‘DESC’;
return $args;
add_filter( ‘wp_list_users_args’, ‘custom_user_list_args’ );
In this example, the wp_list_users_args hook is used to modify the orderby and order arguments of the wp_list_users function, changing the default user listing order to be based on user registration date in descending order.