
What is WordPress Hook: wp_trusted_keys

The wp_trusted_keys hook in WordPress is used to add trusted keys for secure communication between different WordPress installations. This hook is essential for ensuring the security and integrity of data transmission within the WordPress ecosystem.

Understanding the Hook: wp_trusted_keys

The wp_trusted_keys hook is located within the wp-includes/class-wp-filesystem-ssh2.php file in WordPress. It is specifically used for adding trusted keys for secure communication over SSH connections between different WordPress installations.

Hook Parameters (if applicable): wp_trusted_keys

The wp_trusted_keys hook accepts parameters such as the public and private keys for establishing secure SSH connections between WordPress installations. These parameters are essential for ensuring the authenticity and security of data transmission.

Hook Doesn’t Work: wp_trusted_keys

If the wp_trusted_keys hook doesn’t work, it could be due to incorrect configuration of the SSH keys or improper placement of the hook within the WordPress files. To troubleshoot, ensure that the SSH keys are correctly configured and that the hook is placed in the appropriate file within the WordPress installation.

Best Practices & Usage Notes (if applicable): wp_trusted_keys

When using the wp_trusted_keys hook, it is important to ensure that the SSH keys are securely generated and stored. Additionally, it is recommended to regularly update and rotate the trusted keys to maintain the security of data transmission within the WordPress ecosystem.

Usage Example: wp_trusted_keys

function add_trusted_keys() {
$trusted_keys = array(
‘public_key’ => ‘ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQC3…’,
‘private_key’ => ‘—–BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY—–…’,
update_option( ‘wp_trusted_keys’, $trusted_keys );
add_action( ‘init’, ‘add_trusted_keys’ );

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