
What is WordPress Hook: xmlrpc_call_success_wp_deletePage

The xmlrpc_call_success_wp_deletePage hook is a specific hook in WordPress that is triggered after a successful XML-RPC call to delete a page.

Understanding the Hook: xmlrpc_call_success_wp_deletePage

The xmlrpc_call_success_wp_deletePage hook is located within the XML-RPC process in WordPress. It is triggered specifically after a page has been successfully deleted using XML-RPC.

Hook Parameters (if applicable): xmlrpc_call_success_wp_deletePage

The xmlrpc_call_success_wp_deletePage hook does not accept any arguments or parameters.

Hook Doesn’t Work: xmlrpc_call_success_wp_deletePage

If the xmlrpc_call_success_wp_deletePage hook doesn’t work, it could be due to issues with the XML-RPC functionality in WordPress. It is recommended to ensure that XML-RPC is enabled and functioning properly.

Best Practices & Usage Notes (if applicable): xmlrpc_call_success_wp_deletePage

When using the xmlrpc_call_success_wp_deletePage hook, it is important to note that it is specific to successful page deletion via XML-RPC. It is recommended to handle any additional actions or processes related to page deletion within this hook.

xmlrpc_call_success_wp_deletePage Usage Example

function custom_xmlrpc_delete_page_success( $args ) {
// Perform custom actions after a page is successfully deleted via XML-RPC
add_action( ‘xmlrpc_call_success_wp_deletePage’, ‘custom_xmlrpc_delete_page_success’ );

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