
What is WordPress Hook: year_link

The year_link WordPress hook is used to retrieve the permalink for the year archives in WordPress. It allows developers to customize the URL structure for year-based archives on their websites.

Understanding the Hook: year_link

The year_link hook is located within the get_year_link() function in WordPress. This function is responsible for generating the permalink for the year archives based on the specified year.

Hook Parameters (if applicable): year_link

The year_link hook accepts the following parameters:
– $year (int) – The year for which the permalink is being generated.

Hook Doesn’t Work: year_link

If the year_link hook is not working as expected, it could be due to incorrect usage of the get_year_link() function or a conflict with other permalink-related functions or plugins. It is recommended to double-check the function usage and deactivate any conflicting plugins to troubleshoot the issue.

Best Practices & Usage Notes (if applicable): year_link

When using the year_link hook, it is important to note that any customizations to the permalink structure may affect the overall URL hierarchy of the website. It is recommended to thoroughly test the changes and ensure that they do not cause any broken links or unexpected behavior.

Usage Example: year_link

$year = 2022;
$year_permalink = get_year_link( $year );
echo $year_permalink;

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