• Learn about the WordPress hook allowed_http_origins and how it controls cross-origin resource sharing (CORS) requests. Understand its parameters, best practices, and usage examples for effective implementation.
  • Learn about the block_editor_rest_api_preload_paths hook in Wordpress and how developers can modify preloaded paths in the block editor. Understand best practices, usage examples, and troubleshooting tips for this specific hook.
  • Learn how to use the rest_{$this->post_type}_item_schema hook in Wordpress to modify schema data for specific post types in the REST API. Understand the parameters, troubleshooting, best practices, and usage examples for this powerful hook.
  • Learn how to use the rest_{$this->post_type}_query hook in WordPress to customize the REST API request for a specific post type. This article provides an understanding of the hook, its parameters, troubleshooting tips, best practices, and a usage example.
  • Learn how to use the rest_{$this->taxonomy}_collection_params hook in WordPress to customize the default parameters for a specific taxonomy collection in the REST API. Understand its parameters, best practices, and troubleshoot any issues that may arise. Plus, get a usage example to guide you through the process.
  • Learn how to use the rest_{$this->taxonomy}_query hook in WordPress to modify REST API query parameters for a specific custom taxonomy. Understand the hook parameters, troubleshoot issues, and follow best practices with usage examples.
  • Learn about the rest_after_insert_{$this->post_type} hook in Wordpress and how it can be used to perform additional actions after inserting a new item via the REST API for a specific post type. Find out best practices and usage notes for implementing this hook effectively.
  • Learn about the rest_after_insert_application_password hook in Wordpress and how it can be used to execute custom code after an application password is inserted into the REST API. Troubleshoot common issues and discover best practices for using this specific hook.
  • Learn about the rest_after_insert_comment hook in Wordpress and how it can be used to execute custom code after a comment is inserted via the REST API. Understand best practices and potential issues with this hook, along with a usage example for implementation.
  • Learn about the rest_after_insert_nav_menu_item hook in Wordpress and how it can be used to execute custom code after inserting navigation menu items via the REST API. Troubleshoot common issues and discover best practices for using this hook effectively.
  • Learn about the rest_after_insert_user hook in Wordpress, its parameters, best practices, and usage examples. Understand how to troubleshoot if the hook doesn't work as expected.
  • Learn about the rest_after_save_widget hook in Wordpress and how it can be used to execute custom code after a widget is saved in the REST API. Understand its parameters, troubleshooting tips, best practices, and see a usage example.

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