What is WordPress Hook: block_editor_rest_api_preload_paths
The block_editor_rest_api_preload_paths hook is a specific WordPress hook that allows developers to modify the paths that are preloaded in the REST API for the block editor.
Understanding the Hook: block_editor_rest_api_preload_paths
This hook is located within the WordPress REST API process and is used to modify the paths that are preloaded in the block editor. It provides developers with the ability to customize the data that is preloaded when using the block editor in WordPress.
Hook Parameters (if applicable): block_editor_rest_api_preload_paths
The block_editor_rest_api_preload_paths hook does not accept any arguments or parameters.
Hook Doesn’t Work: block_editor_rest_api_preload_paths
If the block_editor_rest_api_preload_paths hook doesn’t work as expected, it could be due to incorrect implementation or conflicts with other plugins or themes. It is recommended to double-check the code implementation and deactivate any other plugins or themes that may be causing conflicts.
Best Practices & Usage Notes (if applicable): block_editor_rest_api_preload_paths
When using the block_editor_rest_api_preload_paths hook, it is important to note that modifying the preloaded paths should be done carefully to avoid any unintended consequences. It is best practice to thoroughly test any modifications and ensure compatibility with other aspects of the WordPress site.
Usage Example: block_editor_rest_api_preload_paths
function custom_block_editor_rest_api_preload_paths( $paths ) {
// Modify the preloaded paths here
return $paths;
add_filter( ‘block_editor_rest_api_preload_paths’, ‘custom_block_editor_rest_api_preload_paths’ );