
What is WordPress Hook: blog_details

The blog_details hook in WordPress is used to modify or retrieve details about a specific blog on a multisite network. This hook allows developers to customize the information related to a particular blog within the network.

Understanding the Hook: blog_details

The blog_details hook is located within the get_blog_details() function in WordPress. This function is responsible for retrieving details about a specific blog, such as the blog ID, domain, path, and other related information. The blog_details hook can be used to modify or filter the data returned by this function.

Hook Parameters (if applicable): blog_details

The blog_details hook does not accept any specific parameters. However, developers can access the blog details within the hook and modify them as needed.

Hook Doesn’t Work: blog_details

If the blog_details hook doesn’t work as expected, it could be due to incorrect usage or conflicts with other plugins or themes. Developers should ensure that the hook is being used within the appropriate context and that any modifications are applied correctly. Additionally, checking for conflicts with other code or plugins can help troubleshoot issues with the hook.

Best Practices & Usage Notes (if applicable): blog_details

When using the blog_details hook, developers should be mindful of the data being modified and ensure that any changes are compatible with the overall functionality of the multisite network. It’s important to consider the potential impact of modifying blog details on other aspects of the network and to test any changes thoroughly before implementing them.

Usage Example: blog_details

function custom_blog_details( $details, $blog_id ) {
// Modify blog details here
$details[‘custom_field’] = get_post_meta( $blog_id, ‘custom_field’, true );
return $details;
add_filter( ‘blog_details’, ‘custom_blog_details’, 10, 2 );
In this example, the blog_details hook is used to add a custom field to the details of a specific blog within a multisite network. The custom_blog_details function modifies the blog details by adding a custom field retrieved from the blog’s metadata.

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