
What is WordPress Hook: default_site_option_{$option}

The default_site_option_{$option} hook in WordPress is used to retrieve the default value of a specific site option. This hook allows developers to modify the default value before it is returned.

Understanding the Hook: default_site_option_{$option}

The default_site_option_{$option} hook is located within the get_site_option() function in WordPress. This function is used to retrieve the value of a specific site option from the database. The hook is triggered before the default value is returned, allowing developers to modify it as needed.

Hook Parameters (if applicable): default_site_option_{$option}

The default_site_option_{$option} hook accepts the $default and $option_name parameters. The $default parameter contains the default value of the site option, while the $option_name parameter holds the name of the option being retrieved. Developers can modify the $default parameter within the hook to change the default value before it is returned.

Hook Doesn’t Work: default_site_option_{$option}

If the default_site_option_{$option} hook doesn’t work as expected, it may be due to incorrect usage or conflicts with other hooks or functions. Developers should ensure that the hook is being used within the get_site_option() function and that any modifications to the default value are properly implemented. Additionally, checking for any conflicting hooks or functions that may be overriding the default value is recommended.

Best Practices & Usage Notes (if applicable): default_site_option_{$option}

When using the default_site_option_{$option} hook, developers should be mindful of any limitations or special considerations related to the specific site option being retrieved. It’s important to thoroughly test any modifications to the default value to ensure compatibility with other aspects of the WordPress site.

Usage Example: default_site_option_{$option}

function custom_default_site_option( $default, $option_name ) {
if ( ‘my_custom_option’ === $option_name ) {
$default = ‘custom_default_value’;
return $default;
add_filter( ‘default_site_option_my_custom_option’, ‘custom_default_site_option’, 10, 2 );
In this example, the default_site_option_{$option} hook is used to modify the default value of a specific site option named ‘my_custom_option’. The custom_default_site_option function checks if the option name matches ‘my_custom_option’ and then changes the default value to ‘custom_default_value’ before it is returned.

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