What is WordPress Hook: network_admin_email_change_email
The network_admin_email_change_email hook is a specific hook in WordPress that allows developers to modify the email address of the network administrator.
Understanding the Hook: network_admin_email_change_email
The network_admin_email_change_email hook is located within the WordPress network administration process. It is triggered when the network administrator’s email address is being modified.
Hook Parameters (if applicable): network_admin_email_change_email
The network_admin_email_change_email hook accepts a single parameter, which is the new email address for the network administrator. Developers can use this parameter to modify the email address before it is saved.
Hook Doesn’t Work: network_admin_email_change_email
If the network_admin_email_change_email hook doesn’t work as expected, it could be due to incorrect usage or conflicts with other hooks or functions. Developers should double-check their code and ensure that the hook is being used in the appropriate context.
Best Practices & Usage Notes (if applicable): network_admin_email_change_email
When using the network_admin_email_change_email hook, developers should be aware that it only applies to the network administrator’s email address. It may not work for modifying the email addresses of other users within the network. Additionally, developers should ensure that any modifications made to the email address are valid and properly formatted.
Usage Example: network_admin_email_change_email
function modify_network_admin_email( $new_email ) {
// Modify the new email address here
return $new_email;
add_filter( ‘network_admin_email_change_email’, ‘modify_network_admin_email’ );